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Credits : Zack Freedman
Author Notes :
Cram deep learning in your pocket with these clever hacks. Discover how to stuff artificial neural networks into your favorite underpowered microcontroller!
Rad video about my Somatic data glove:
Download my gawd-awful code:
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Recipe for an Artificial Neural Network (Blue Mai Tai):
1.5oz hidden layers (white rum)
1oz transfer functions (fresh-squeezed lime juice)
0.75oz training data (blue curacao)
0.5oz input/output layers (Plymouth or American gin)
0.5oz validation data (orgeat)
1. Fit the model to the training data (shake all ingredients with a handful of crushed ice)
2. Load trained model in TensorFlow (pour into tall glass, ice and all)
3. Optional: Convert model to TensorFlow Lite (strain drink into a smaller glass)
4. Optional: Embed in firmware and run with TF Lite for Microcontrollers (strain into an even smaller glass, discarding excess)
5. Optional: Verify accuracy of quantized model (garnish with cocktail umbrella)
6. Run inference with the model (drink)
I learned this stuff from “TinyML: Machine Learning with TensorFlow Lite on Arduino and Ultra-Low-Power Microcontrollers” by Pete Warden and Daniel Situnayake. Jeez, O’Reilly, what a title. You can read the important bits RIGHT NOW on Google Books:
Thanks to my gorgeous wife Brooke for her tireless help in filming, editing, and cocktail testing.
Licensed and public domain assets:
Glass break, explosion, horror atmosphere SFX –
Interference SFX – Partners in Rhyme
“Self Driving” by Sro –
“Colonel Bogey March” – Wikimedia Foundation
Thomas the Jerk Engine voice clips –
Russian EVA GoPro footage – Public domain, DL’ed from
“Incredible Machine” – Public domain, DL’ed from
“Threads of Technology” – Public domain, DL’ed from
“Zip Codes with the Swingin 6” – Public domain, DL’ed from
TV glitch stock footage – Videezy
Copyright holders:
“Scanners” – Criterion Collection
Thomas the Tank Engine – Gullane Ltd
Juicero – Who knows. Some VC?
“Nope” voice sample – Valve Inc.