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Credits : The Linux Foundation
Author Notes :
Open and Neutral Edge Computing Architecture on Heterogeneous Devices – Gavin Lu, VMware
This presentation is about why and how to build an open and neutral architecture for edge computing on heterogeneous devices.In the era of IoT and edge computing, the global industry becomes more and more fragmented with hundreds and thousands of technical stacks. It’s quite painful for customers and users to struggle how to select proper one among them and how to ensure reasonable TCO for 10+ years’ usage in production, without lock-in and prime fee for certain vendors.With open source software and open standard APIs, it is possible to build and maintain an open and neutral architecture on heterogeneous edge devices. Similar to IT infrastructure in data centers and clouds, edge device architecture could be put into infrastructure, app framework, software service layers, bottom up. Virtualization, Linux, containers, EdgeX Foundry, marketplaces, all are leveraged to build this layered open and neutral architecture for extensible edge computing. A set of OSS projects are built as the reference implementation.